Drumming with Women

Christie and I will be journeying with women this evening through drumming, dancing, chanting, and meditating. We will be enjoying the energy of women remembering who they are, that they have strength beyond measure, that the possibilities are endless, and that we are all sisters. The energy in a circle of women is truly remarkable.

The first time I drummed in a circle of women, over 20 years ago, I was timid, afraid to make noise, afraid to sing loudly. The facilitors were two lovely women who encouraged, enticed, and lovingly led us into the dance of energies that allowed us to bloom. I will always be grateful to those women who created sacred space for me to find more of my voice, to drum as loud as I wanted, and to dance with joy. I carry them into the circle each time my partner and I create sacred space for women to gather.

May you all find what brings more joy into your lives.

Much Love and Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. I remember growing up and enjoying so much when you would host drumming circles at our house. Although it was fun to venture to other's houses some nights, there was nothing like the energy of having a cirlce in our own home. Even after everyone left, the walls were still buzzing with the echoes of the music we had all just created together.
